Effectively reduce unconscious bias in recruitment
Why tackle unconscious bias in recruitment?
Most recruitments are impacted by unconscious bias. Even when comparing 2 male, light skinned, young candidates, biases come into play. The candidate with a symetric face will be seen as more trustworthy, the taller one as a better leader
Automating recruitment processes using artificial intelligence or other solutions is tempting. But machine learning consists in leveraging past data which most often includes biases. “Obvious” solutions such as removing ethnicity or gender from datasets in fact increase bias.
Helping humans to make more objective decisions is therefore a requisite for objective decisions
You cannot change what you do not know:
Neurovalue Unconscious Bias Tests
We will guide you to choose a sample of up to 8 themes from our general list of 15.
Several schemes are available to take our tests: on an individual, test by test basis; on a survey basis, to provide access to a specific sample of individuals over a few weeks; on an annual basis.
Eliminate unconscious bias :
The Neurovalue Inclusion Boosters© program
Inclusion Boosters© is the fist proven effective program to eliminate unconscious bias. Our data shows that 40% of participants become bias neutral in a few weeks. 80% of program participants see a reduction in their biases. The program includes three steps -awareness, learn, practice, ie ALP. It can be delivered 100% online or with a mix of in person interactions.

Identify a specific set of biases you intend to target

Debrief the test and learn techniques to address biases

Exercise effective behaviors and decision making techniques over 8 weeks
Our impact : The first program with quantitative results to eliminate bias

Assess and adapt your recruitment process to reduce unconscious bias
Our automatic System 1 makes judgment about people in just a few seconds. This significantly drives behaviors and decisions. Yet, most decision making processes are solely designed for our controlled System 2, the rational system.
At Neurovalue, we design recruitment processes that integrate both System 1 and 2, for more objectiveness and efficiency to eliminate unconscious bias in recruitment.
We analyse in depth the impact of your recruitment process on the objectiveness of your decisions. We identify each element that generates unconscious biases in recruitment. Is your chatbot neutral? Does your AI integrate human biases and which ones? How does your recruitment software sort resumes? Which mental inferences and unconscious biases are created by the tools and criteria you use? How can these be addressed?
We then systematically tackle each element, including small cues, that create unconscious bias in your recruitment. We also enhance the effectiveness of your recruitment process so that you spend time on value added tasks.